This is the most unique Catholic church building that I ever saw. When I was in High School, our Religious Education teacher made us draw churches of different religion. Most of the time, we can tell their religion by looking at the building right? But with this, I make it an exemption. I will never guess that this is a Catholic Church. Anyway, hubby and I attend the regular Sunday mass here in this church. We love it. The priests are great. The parishioners are friendly and everyone are happy church goers.

The building below is the dome. Pretty interesting building huh? They have bingo here every Tuesday. At the dome, they have a cafeteria and after each mass on a Sunday, people flocked here for fellowship. Having a great time meeting familiar faces and enjoying the fat free coffee and doughnut. Everyone is tickled with that statement. How could a doughnut becomes fat free? LOL.

Anyway, we have been members here since we live in the Space Coast. We like living here and we love this church.
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