They are small sharks but, it doesn't mean that they are babies. I don't feel bad now when I over-heard the man said, this type of shark specie is a fully grown shark. This is a boy who caught this shark. His family was taking his picture. I thought the shark is alive because the tail wiggles LOL. It was him did something to it and it looks like the shark wiggles its tail.

I will just have my guess as to the type of shark this is. It looks like Sharp nose Shark or Rhizoprionodon terraenovae, one of the most common shark species here in Florida. This is an inshore species which they said, common in bays and estuaries. They grow about 2 to 4 feet long. They have long and flattened snout, slender body, a brown to olive-gray body color with a white underside. There is a small white spots on its back which is very distinctive. They eat small fish and crustaceans. This specie is the most common shark caught by Florida anglers.
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