I am a music minded person but, lately I notice that there are a lot of songs that I do not know anymore. I can't keep up. My priorities have changed significantly and I am not too happy about it. I wanted to stay inspired. Oh well, I must have changed! I have a friend who bought the
alesis 3630 and guess what, I don't know what it was all about. It feels weird to feel like I was left behind.
You know when I feel sad and lonely, I sing. I downloaded an app for my cellphone and my iPad. It's like a karaoke where I can sing, record it and it has a rating too. It's really a nice app and I used it for a long time now. It has also an option to share it to Facebook or Twitter which I haven't used it yet.

Anyway, if you don't like an app, would you like to sing using a
vocopro karaoke ? Then, check this out!
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