At this very moment, I want to cry for no apparent reason at all. I don't know if you can relate. I am so overwhelmed today and I can only do so much. It seems that I can't take a step forward. It seems that I am confine to a tight room where all directions end to a concrete wall. No door. It is impossible to break that wall with my bare hands. My emotion is so heavy right now. If only I can scream at the top of my lungs.
If only I can cry a river tonight then, I will be refreshed tomorrow. Maybe I will watch a movie later tonight until I doze off to sleep. Movies like LOVE AFFAIR starring Warren Beatty and Annette Beaning. Have you seen that movie? Oh, you should watch it.
Self pity
"It was my own fault, I was looking up.
I knew you were there."
"It doesn't have to be a miracle,
If you can paint, I can walk.
Anything can happen, don't you think?"
That video made me cry already.
Anyway, I talked to my mom awhile ago. We talk every night you know. She's my best friend and the one person who knows me. I just feel hopeless that after all these years, I can't process her papers to come visit me here. It is indeed lonely without my mom and my brother, and his family here with me. I want us all to be together here soon. I pray that God will hear my request soon.
Okay, I am done with my drama. Thanks for stopping by and don't forget to watch that movie.